Top 5 Quirky Ways to Increase Your Income

Money Talks

You and I and your neighbor and your cubicle-mate are no strangers to wanting to increase the income you have. Neither is your mother every time you asked for McDonald’s as a kid and she said “we got food at home!” But you do not come from that lack. You do not come from the idea that “money doesn’t grow on trees!” Money is literally printed and created out of thin air!

There are millions upon millions of ways to make money. And often, it’s about using your brain to create a new way to make it. Business deals pass around money and made up money almost like it’s no object. Because it isn’t. You have the power to literally make money out of thin air, too. And I’m hoping you haven’t ran off yet, believing this is the rantings of a madman.

But you have come this far already, so let’s take a gander at some quirky ways to increase your income.

1 Sell Your Stuff

increase income sell stuff
Photo by SHVETS production on

This is the easiest of the easiest of things you could possibly do. We all have too much stuff. You and I both know we do. I often get what I call the Dragon’s Dilemma of wanting to collect items, often for the purposes only of collection. But that just means I am spending money on things I don’t necessarily need. And you probably don’t either.

That means you likely have thousands of dollars of value just sitting there to sell. Now I’m not just saying to just go full minimalist and sell everything in sight. That would be a bit silly. I am only suggesting to sell things you do not want to own longer or things that perhaps you have always had great interest in.

For example, I found a way to buy and sell trading cards, specifically Digimon, Pokemon and Yugioh cards. I’ve done it so much, I even opened a website about selling said items found here:

It’s made me a couple hundred dollars just selling the cards that I have in my stock for this year. What is more quirky than selling cards for a game you probably never heard of?

2 Sell Your Thoughts

increase income sell thoughts man in red shirt
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

I mean, this is basically what all of us do. If you have a good idea you could sell it (in theory, of course).

Can you draw it, though? Can you write it? If you said yes to either, then you ought to be able to sell your thoughts. If you can draw, you can set up commissions, sell artwork, or even throw up a print-on-demand website for your art. Prior to that, that image was only a thought in your head.

Not all of us can draw well, though. But I believe almost anyone can write about something, especially if they’re passionate about it.

What do you know, specifically? It could be about dinosaurs, the inner workings of interior design, even the history and design of flags!

Interestingly enough, I mix a bit of my passion for flags with my minor editing skills and have a print-on-demand website on RedBubble! Feel free to check it out for how you can turn a passion into cash.

3 Sell Your Time

increase income sell thoughts
Photo by Pixabay on

I am including this one simply because I think it’s directly absurd. You can trade your life to work minimum wage for 7.25 at a fast food restaurant. You can trade each of your hours for maybe $10 an hour. Does $15 an hour sound better? How about $20 and hour? Is 25, 30, 50 even 100 dollars an hour a good deal for each hour of your life?

Do you think you are only worth about $6.50 an hour after taxes? I don’t think I’m worth the price of a burger. The amount of calories on my body are worth at least 5 burgers and it would take you more than a few hours to cook it, thus making it worth more.

Honestly, selling pieces of your organs like liver are worth thousands of dollars. Please note: I am in no way saying to do that.

But it creates a stark contrast to directly trading your time for money. You may do so right now. You may continue to do so. You may be happy with doing so. But if like attracts like, and you are like me, then selling your time for some money (especially a small amount) per hour is one of the quirkiest things you can do to increase it.

So get a job, more of a job, a part time job, or do overtime if you feel like it. I’ve done it. And it does help. It’s just what it sounds like – a grind.

4 Sell Your Muscle

increase income sell your muscle bearded man carrying a green couch
Photo by RODNAE Productions on

Whether it’s you or your car’s muscle, you can deliver pizzas, help people move, get their groceries. These are the usual gig economy grunt work jobs. It can be worth it. But I personally have not done any of these, save pizza delivery. And when I did do pizza delivery, it was in a Camry. I do not have that Camry anymore, unfortunately.

You have likely heard of many of these apps to work with/for such as DoorDash, UberEats, Uber for the typical side-gig route. While I mentioned helping people move there’s apps such as Dolly, Moved or even TaskRabbit.

Helping people move is one of the quirkiest ways I’d consider increasing my income. And I may do it at some point. I’ve helped myself and others move in and out of many places and though it can be hard and you don’t want to do it, often people are paying you to do things that are hard and that they don’t want to do.

5 Affirmations

increase income affirmations holding money
Photo by Alexander Mils on

Okay hear me out before you bugger off.

Affirm that you have money.

If you are anything like most families in the world, you grew up in a family where money felt like it was often lacking or tight. You’d hear people say “Money doesn’t grow on trees” or generally say “We don’t have money for that.” And the answer is you do.

You always do.

Now I don’t quite value a yacht, and at this exact moment I don’t have the money at hand to buy a yacht. But that doesn’t mean if I really wanted a yacht, I’d find a way to have money for that yacht.

If you ever delved into affirmations and law of assumption territory, it’s actually quite simple.

Just say to yourself, whether out loud or written down as often as you can, “I have money.”

Or even – “I am wealthy.”

Or – “If I spend this $10. It will make me $100.”

Or – “I invest money.”

Do not even bring up that you might waste or spend frivolously. Because then your body and brain will worry. It will associate anxiety with the potential to lack money. You must be positive that you have money, that you invest money well and wisely and that you can always make money on your spent money.

Then, it’s really weird, because money just starts popping up in your life out of nowhere. And affirming for it is one of the quirkiest things I could imagine.

Take This With You

So, money literally grows on trees. It gets printed more and more every day. It can be created with a thought out of thin air. It will often arise from acting on said thought and selling something for the cash.

And it’s not as hard as you think. If you always think it’s hard, it will continue to be hard. Make it easy on yourself and money will soon drown you in joy.



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