Top 10 Best Selling Digimon Cards on TCGPlayer – Week of 8/8/2022

Howdy! How are you doing this week?

Let’s start to dive right into the currently best-selling cards today! I am currently screenshotting the information on Monday 8/8/2022 in the PM EST.

I am expecting the list to be just about the same as last week, with X Record now circulating for two weeks the market has had a chance to react to the demand.

Please note I am continuing to basically only show the best selling cards as singles. So no booster boxes, cases or special packs but if it’s a promo card I will add it. Those are basically the rules I’m continuing to play with.

10. MagnaAngemon [BT1-060]

MP: $44.92 (+$2.23)

Fell 4 places

9. WereGarurumon [P-008]

MP: $13.29 (-$1.00)

Fell 6 places

8. Magnamon (X-Antibody) [BT9-044]

MP: $6.58

7. Garurumon [P-007]

MP: $13.44 (-$0.46)

Fell 4 places

6. MetalGreymon: Alterous Mode [P-072]

MP: $14.20

5. DeathXmon Alternate Art (BT9-112)

MP: $65.55

4. Cool Boy (BT9-092)

MP: $4.71 (+$1.46)

Rose 6 places

3. Okuwamon (P-075)

MP: $22.24 (-$0.76)

Rose 4 places

2. Alphamon: Ouryuken (BT9-111)

MP: $36.26 (-$0.49)

Fell 1 place

1. DeathXmon (BT9-112)

MP: $51.64 (+$14.04)

Rose 1 place

As expected, the two secret rares from the newest box continue to be the top selling, and to my surprise Alphamon Ouryuken not only dropped from being the number 1 best seller but it’s nearly $15 cheaper than the alternate secret rare card! I still don’t exactly know what’s driving DeathXmon to be worth more than Alphamon Ouryuken and when mine sold, I left it up for approximately $36 thinking that market demand would push down the price. Then it explodes by nearly 15 dollars! Like holy hellfire.

To my surprise Davis Motomiya fell out of the top 10! Good riddance flame jacket boy, you’ll probably be back. MagnaAngemon almost fell out, but it’s price is as steady as it was last week, albeit a little more expensive. It must be selling well to stay in the top 10, though, so it’s not like it’s just some $40 card that’s sitting on the market that nobody is scooping up.

Magnamon also fell out to somewhere in the top 15 best selling but Magnamon X appears to have taken his place, albeit at a cost about half of what Magnamon goes for. The fact that Magnamon X is overselling Magnamon right now, however, is more than likely due to the novelty of the new box.

What is now not as confusing as previous weeks is the Garurumon promos popping up in the top 10! I haven’t had the chance to do in-depth research about it’s current use, but it certainly is all over the place in deck profiles found on for Metalgarurumon X-Antibody decks. And considering they only come out of promo packs, and to make it worse – promo packs for the special release booster, they are going to be around for awhile at this kind of demand.

I’d also like to note that Beelzemon Blast Mode completely fell out of the top 10 while sitting near the top for weeks. It’s unforunate for the guy but he is still the best selling card from Digital Hazard, so props to him for fighting against a main set so hard.

Thanks for reading, which of these cards is your favorite? Were these what you expected? What do you think will happen next week?

