Selling Trading Cards Mini-Experiment Part 4

Howdy! It’s update time on my trading cards Mini-Experiment.

I am only 5 2 orders away from my Pro Website! There was only a few days until the end of July when I first started writing this and I did kind of splurge a bit on buying X Record (which came out July 29), a Classic Collection box, and I ended up buying a Digital Hazard box online since my Local Card Shop never got it. They received a shipment of Digimon Cards but did not realize it was X Record and not Digital Hazard, which was a bit disappointing.

So I’ll get a nice replenishing of stock and some brand new items! But I’m going to need some time to upload and to give people a chance to find and purchase.

But I did believe it would still be done by the end of this month.

As in last month. As in July when I started drafting this. But that didn’t happen! It’s already August! Nearly a whole week into it nonetheless! But it’s cool! I may have not meant to obtain the sales then and that’s okay!

But I am just about there. Nothing else to do but keep going!

As of writing this, I have opened and uploaded the best hits from my X Record Booster Box and one of them even sold two (2) hours after uploading it! I have also opened the Digital Hazard Booster Box and have some good hits and will likely upload them soon!

But below I will list a couple of the best hits from each box and their value so you can get an idea of resale value (or investment value if you prefer):

1. DeathXmon

Yeah he was our secret rare from our box, and as of typing this, he just sold! I will send him out soon. But to my surprise, he is currently more valuable than Alphamon Ouryuken. By nearly $3!

2. Okuwamon Promo

I was ecstatic to see this guy, since he was going for nearly $23 alone. And this is the card that sold in only two hours! This card is in extremely high demand as it only comes out of the update pack that comes with each booster box. And in those update packs they only contain 2 cards out of 6 possible cards. People have mentioned that this Okuwamon is necessary to bring GrandisKuwagamon to its full potential as a deck, so as a extremely competitive green deck, it’s no surprise these Okuwamon cards are getting slurped up.

3. Ordinemon Alt Art

She has not sold yet, and is not in crazy demand compared to the others on this list, but is still an alternate art of a main deck archetype people plan on using. The price it’s going for at the moment is also quite nice and a little higher than I expected but I’m happy with it.

Now for the best hits I got out of my Digital Hazard box:

1. Gallantmon Crimson Mode

Very happy with this! Wouldn’t have minded either him or Beelzemon Blast Mode. And it’s going for $30 still which is solid.

2. Rika Alt Art

I was stoked to see her but I had no idea she would be the most valuable alt art cards of the tamers! Anyway nice to see you Rika!

3. Justimon Bltz Arm Alt Art

A solid price, but I wish he would go for a bit more. Anyway, happy to see the art it’s sick!

Total potential profit off X Record Cards: $81.80

Total potential profit off Digital Hazard Cards: $65.00

As you can see, just from the biggest hits, I can recuperate the cost of the box I bought (theoretically lol) for X Record. For Digital Hazard, it’s a bit more of a toss up, especially since they are slightly flooded into the market and the demand is lower than the supply. But based on the past sets, the most valuable cards may go up a bit, but most will more than likely move down in market price for quite a while.

Anyhorton, I’m happy with the results!

I also expect a few of these guys to be the reason I become a Pro Seller next time I see y’all!

