Top 10 Best Selling Digimon Cards on TCGPlayer Week of 9/11/2022

Howdy! How are you doing this week? I am once again diving into the top 10 best selling Digimon Cards on TCGPlayer of the week of September 11, 2022.

If you would like to visit last week’s post, please visit here.

Let’s start and dive right into the currently best-selling cards today! I am recording the information on Tuesday 9/13/2022 in the early morning EST.

I am expecting the list to continue to be about the same as last few weeks, with X Record being out for well over six weeks we are about a month from BT-10 Xros Encounter being released. There has recently been a ban list put in place, but it appears to only affect Alphamon: Ouryuken. If you would like to visit the current ban list, please check it out here.

Please note, I am continuing to basically only show the best selling cards as singles. So no booster boxes, cases or special packs but if it’s a promo card I will add it. Those are the rules I’m continuing to play with.

Top 10 Best Selling Digimon Cards

10. Tai Kamiya [BT1-085]

MP: $18.74

New Addition

9. BlackWarGreymon [BT8-070]

MP: $11.12 (-$2.67)

Fell 3 places

8. MetalGreymon: Alterous Mode [P-072]

MP: $22.32 (-$0.62)

Fell 1 place

7. Cool Boy [BT9-092]

MP: $4.86 (+$0.87)

Rose 2 places

6. Omnimon Zwart Defeat [BT5-112]

MP: $40.59 (+$3.03)

Fell 1 place

5. Alphamon: Ouryuken [BT9-111]

MP: $18.73 (+$0.17)

Fell 1 place (again)

4. Lucemon Chaos Mode [BT7-111]

MP: $40.28 (+$0.47)

Fell 1 place

3. DeathXMon (Alternate Art) [BT9-112]

MP: $82.19

New Addition

2. MagnaAngemon [BT1-060]

MP: $47.35 (-$1.60)

Static Placement (1 week)

1. DeathXmon [BT9-112]

MP: $72.74 (+$5.89)

Static placement (6 weeks)


This week, we have a relatively stable list with only two new additions, lots of movement within the list, and two losses. Last week, Gallantmon: Crimson Mode has fallen out of the Top 10. This week its Davis Motomiya [BT3-093] and the WereGarurumon Promo [P-008] which have fallen out of the Top 10.

The Tai from the Release Special Booster Ver 1.0 has come in and knocked the WereGarurumon Promo out of the Top 10 this week. It was struggling to stay relevant for the past few weeks but likely due to an increase in WarGreymon X decks, Tai has taken that spot. I do not have much faith in Tai sticking around for this spot, but we shall see.

BlackWarGreymon has fallen down quite a bit after flying in out of nearly nowhere from the New Awakening set. Its value has slightly risen since it’s release to meet the value it has now. Still, it has fallen by nearly three dollars since last week, which may means this card still hasn’t reached a stable price. But I believe over ten dollars would be a reasonable resting spot for this card.

Last week the MetalGreymon: Alterous Mode Promo had finally fallen a bit in placement, from 2nd to 7th. This week, it fell one more place and bopped Davis Motomiya right out of the top 10. Considering this is a Greymon card, I’d expect it to stick around for a bit. I also expect Davis to sneak back into the top 10 again sometime soon.

Cool Boy rose two places from 9th to 7th place since last week, keeping its spot on the Top 10 Best Selling Digimon Card list. It has had quite a bumpy ride as it had previously dropped 4 places last week. Its price has re-risen towards $5 and I believe it will rise a bit higher and continue to stay within the Top 10 until at least the new release.

Omnimon Zwart Defeat has fallen down one place in rank after coming out of nowhere two weeks ago. Its price has also risen a few dollars to about half a booster box. Considering it’s been here for two weeks and that it’s a secret rare card, I think Omnimon Zwart Defeat will still be a best selling Digimon card for a while.

Alphamon Ouryuken has dropped again for the third week in a row in placement but it’s value is about the same as it was last week. I expected it to continue to reduce price but the dropping of best selling status is not a fortunate showing for its value. So while its selling status may drop some more – its value appears to have stabilized a bit.

Lucemon: Chaos Mode has fallen just one place since last week. This was after a surprise jump into the highest rankings of the best selling Digimon cards. It still appears to be sought after card and the most valuable to pull out of a Next Adventure box. It’s fascinating that it has attained this rank so far out from its release while the New Awakening secret rares are nowhere to be seen.

The surprise addition to this list – the DeathXMon Alternate Art! Coming at a whopping $82. That’s more than the MSRP of an X Record booster box! I think this card will hold its incredible value for a bit longer until the new set comes out. Then it will drop again before going up in price a long time from now.

MagnaAngemon is sitting pretty at 2nd place for the best selling Digimon cards this week. It also maintains a similar price at an incredible $47! MagnaAngemon might not bounce out of its position for a while, but I don’t see its price rising or dropping too drastically in the near future.

In unchanging news, for the sixth week in a row, DeathXmon is the best selling Digimon card on for the past week. And it has risen to $6 to $73! This is something that I think will eventually drop once Xros Encounter comes out. But for now, DeathXMon is king. Come back next week when it will still be the number 1 card and still above $60.

Thanks for reading!

Feel free to check out my store!

Which of these cards is your favorite?

Were these what you expected?

What do you think will happen next week?

